WHO reveals hidden causes of ill health!
Updated: Mar 19, 2024
For a while now we have been interested in the health and in particular the impact of heavy metals on our wellness. Heavy metals have been linked to many illnesses (1) such as e.g., obesity, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.
Many of you know the link between aluminium and Alzhemiers but once aluminium is in the body, what can we do about it? The World Health Organisation

WHO says Heavy Metals are causing chronic poor health
The World Health Organisation released a paper (1) saying that they think that the chronic health in the world today can't be blamed only on lifestyle and genetics and the paper summarises what can be done about it.
In the following 59 page report, the World Health Organisation (WHO) says the 80,000 chemicals have been created over the last few decades and only a small percentage have been checked. And of those that have, they are the studies are paid for by the manufacturer. (2)
What to do?
In summary, the WHO says do the following:
1. Limit exposure to heavy metals by buying well and eating well.
2. Support your body to detox by eating foods that help it remove heavy metals.
3. Use directed heavy metal removal progams.
Read the document attached for more information.
What do Café Nate do to help?
We are not medical professionals and don't claim to provide medical advice. However, we're committed to supporting people in making healthy choices without hide menu.
What do our best to limit the amount of heavy metals that cause illness in what we serve:
1. Purified Water
All our water is purified via Reverse Osmosis which removes chemicals used in the chlorination process which have known cancer causing properties (see Sydney Water reports and look for NDMA and how often they test...).
So our coffee, tea and table water have all gone reverse osmosis. If you drink filtered water everywhere else, why not in your coffee and tea?
2. Food made in house to limit preservatives, plastics and additives
We make our sauces so that no nasties are added.
Our eggs, chicken and beef are free range to reduce chemicals and increase omega 3 content.
Many of our dishes are able to be the following: gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian, vegan. So if you need or want to avoid different types of foods, we do our best to support you.
3. Our food is healthy
We use mostly fresh fruit and vegetables in our food and limit the amount of additives by making our most of food in house and limiting the use of bought products with preservatives.
4. Juices and Smoothies
Our juice is cold pressed on order, so can't be fresher. Our smoothies have tasty combinations which also support health.
We are also designing new smoothies and juices to help with the removal of heavy metals...
Watch this space.